Sunday, 28 August 2011

> Kolagen Halal Atau Haram?

Kolagen banyak dikaitkan dengan bahan ramuan yang berkaitan kesihatan dan kecantikan.
Apa itu kolagen?
Kolagen adalah sejenis fiber protin dimana terdapat banyak pada badan haiwan, dan ia merupakan elemen utama dermis dan tisu penghubung.

Sesetengah kolagen yang digunakan untuk tujuan perubatan dan kosmetik diekstrak (dihasilkan) daripada tulang dan kulit haiwan. Kebanyakan kolagen dipasaran hari ini dihasilkan daripada haiwan seperti lembu dan khinzir.

Pengguna juga kini ada pilihan untuk memilih kolagen yang diperbuat daripada sumber marin dan tumbuhan contohnya dari ikan tilapia dan lobak merah yang lebih diyakini status halalnya.

Kolagen banyak digunakan tujuan produk makanan kesihatan, kosmetik dan perubatan. Sebagai pengguna kita harus berhati-hati dalam menggunakan produk berasaskan kolagen ini. Penentuan sumber haruslah menjadi keutamaan iaitu jika dari khinzir ia jelas haram, manakala dari sumber lembu atau bovine mestilah dipastikan disembelih mengikut hukum syarak.

Cara yang mudah dan selamat sebagai pengguna adalah memilih produk yang mengandungi kolagen pastikan kaedah pembuatannya dan proses penghasilan dan sumbernya menepati kehendak syarak.

Oleh kerana kandungan kolagen bagi produk CollaMix 7000 HubeiLine adalah dari sumber ikan air tawar (Talapia Hitam), maka ianya mematuhi kehendak syarak HALAL dari segi sumbernya. Oleh yang demikian, para pengguna tak perlu bimbang dari segi pemakanannya.

Saturday, 20 August 2011

> Fakta Tentang CollaMix 7000

Collamix 7000 adalah produk pemakanan tambahan berfungsi untuk meningkatkan kecantikan unggul dan mencapai tahap kesihatan optima. Rumusan utama Collamix 7000 ialah mengandungi Komponen Total Formulasi Inovatif (KTFI) yang dipatenkan bagi menjamin kualiti produk yang dihasilkan. KTFI mengandungi tiga komponen utama iaitu kolagen terhidrolisis dari ikan air tawar, kandungan antioksidan tinggi dari ekstrak Maqui Berry dan Acai Berry serta probitik dan prebiotik. Ia juga diperkaya dengan Vitamin C. Di samping beberapa khasiat tambahan yang diperolehi dari Grape Seed, Gereen Tea , Inulin dan Arginine.

Pengambilan hidangan minuman Collamix 7000 secara konsisten dapat membantu tingkatkan kecantikan unggul dan tahap kesihatan optima. Secara umumnya, Collamix 7000 dapat membantu merangsangkan pembentukan kolagen dan metabolism., membantu menggalakkan pembaharuan kulit dan mengurangkan pengecutan otot., membantu menyelenggarakan kesihatan kulit dan mukus membran., membantu memperbaiki keserian dan lembapan kulit., membantu mengurangkan penampilan kedutan dan lingkaran hitam di sekeliling mata., membantu mengurangkan hiperpigmentasi kulit dan memulihkan akne., membantu meneutralkan radikal bebas., membantu menyahtoksik kulit., membantu melindungi kulit daripada radiasi ultraungu., membantu mencegah penyakit dan jangkitan kulit., membantu menyumbang kepada kesihatan menyeluruh pada tulang, gusi, rambut dan kuku serta membantu meningkatkan sistem imun tubuh.
Kandungan :-
Rumusan Komponen Total Formulasi Inovatif (KTFI) yang mengandungi kolagen terhidrolisis ikan air tawar, ekstrak Maqui Berry, ekstrak Acai Berry, Probiotik & Prebiotik dan diperkaya Vitamin C. Khasiat tambahan lain iaitu Grape Seed, Green Tea, Inulin dan Arginine.

Berat Bersih : 650g Per Tin

Cara Pengambilan : 20g x 1 Kali Per Hari @ 10g x 2 Kali Per Hari
Fakta Tentang Kandungan Collamix 7000
Kolagen adalah protein utama bagi tisu sokongan dalam badan manusia. Kewujudannya merangkumi 30% daripada keseluruhan protin di dalam badan.. Ia  menyokong sebahagian besar sel-sel yang memberikan struktur, kekuatan dan kekenyalan kulit dan tisu badan.. Kolagen disusun tiga rantai polipetida (monomer protein) yang terpilih membentuk rangkaian triple helix (pilihan ganda tiga). Segmen kecil dari tiap rantai mempunyai panjang asid amino sebanyak 1.000-an dan ini merupakan penemuan terpenting abad ini.

Kolagen terdapat pada kornea, kanta mata. kulit, salur darah, keratin (rambut, kuku), tulang, tendon, rawan sendi,  dan gigi, hati, tulang sum-sum dan tisu dan organ seperti  buah pinggang,  jantung serta sistem limfatik.

Maqui Berry mengandungi komponen anti-oksidan tinggi berbanding buahan berry lain, di mana ia mempunyai kadar aktiviti anti-oksidan sebanyak 27,6000. Tahap aktiviti anti-oksida dalam makanan atau supplemen akan diukur oleh mata ORACnya. Semakin tinggi mata ORAC, semakin kuatlah aktiviti anti-oksidanya.

Anti-oksidan adalah komponen aktif meneutralkan radikal bebas, sebatian-sebatian yang dihasilkan oleh metabolisme dan pendedahan kepada toksin dan sinaran yang membahayakan. Kerosakan radikal menyebabkan perubahan yang berlaku disebabkan oleh peningkatan usia. Ia juga akan menyebabkan keradangan, kardiovaskular dan merosakkan sistem saraf, fungsi pengimunan, serta perubahan sel-sel kanser.

Selain mengandungi antioksida yang tinggi, Acai Berry juga mengandungi kandungan serat dan lemak baik yang bagus untuk kesihatan jantung dan usus, di samping mengandungi kandungan Omega-3, Omega-6 dan Omega-9 yang baik untuk menurunkan paras kolesterol tidak baik dan meningkatkan paras kolesterol baik di dalam darah. Selain itu, ia juga mengandungi kandungan garam dan mineral yang bersesuaian untuk kesihatan badan. Rasa buah ini dikatakan seperti coklat tetapi ia mengandungi kandungan gula yang rendah, jadi ia tidak merbahayakan pesakit kencing manis.     
Hasil kajian mendapati ada beberapa manfaat probiotik dalam tubuh. Pertama adalah mencegah kanser iaitu dengan menghilangkan bahan pro karsinogen dari tubuh dan mengaktifkan sistem kekebalan tubuh. Kedua, dapat menghasilkan bahan aktif anti tumor. Ketiga, memproduksi berbagai vitamin yang mudah diserap ke dalam tubuh. Keempat, kemampuannya memproduksi asid laktat dan asid asetat di usus dapat menghalang pembiakan bakteri E coli dan Clostridium perfringens yang menjadi penyebab radang usus, di samping menghalang patogen lainnya serta mengurangi penyerapan amonia dan amina. Kelima, Streptococcus thermophilus menunjukkan aktivitas anti tumor dan menghasilkan Superoxide Dismutase yang berfungsi sebagai antioksidan.
Tahukah Anda Dari Mana Sumber Kolagen Dalam Suplemen Yang Ada Di Pasaran ?

1) Daripada bovine (lembu) – diternak secara tertutup contohnya di Australia dan New Zealand.
2) Daripada babi (porcine origin)
3) Daripada haiwan laut – contohnya ikan dan gamat
4) Daripada tumbuhan – contohnya kacang soya
5) Daripada Yak – produk dari China
6) Daripada manusia – plasenta, janin yang digugurkan dan ada cerita dari banduan yang ditembak mati!

Perbezaan Kolagen Terhidrolisis Dalam Rumusan Collamix 7000

1) Kolagen terhidrolisis diproses dari sumber ikan air tawar spesis tilapia hitam (Oreochromis mossambicus) yang diternak secara organik dan bebas dari sebarang kesan pencemaran bahan kimia yang boleh merosakkan kualiti kolagen sintesis yang dihasilkan serta mendatang kesan mudharat kepada kesihatan tubuh apabila ia dimakan.
2) Kolagen terhidrolisis ini dijamin halal, bersih dan suci.
3) Kolagen terhidrolisis dihasilkan dalam bentuk ‘granular’ yang lebih halus dan ringgan serta mudah larut dalam air.
4) Kolagen terhidrolisi adalah dari Gred 1, berwarna putih dan tidak berminyak.
5) Kolagen terhidrolisis yang telah dinyahbau dan rasa hanyir ikan supaya ia mudah diminum oleh pengguna.
6) Saiz molekul lebih kecil dan ringgan iaitu kurang 1000 dalton berbanding kolagen sumber mamalia bersaiz 300,000-400,000 dalton.
7) Ia mudah dan cepat dihadam oleh usus kecil sehingga 99 %. Selepas dihadamkan, ia diserap dengan cepat oleh tubuh dan membentuk semula kolagen yang diperlukan bahagian-bahagian badan seperti tisu sendi, tulang, dermis kulit, saluran darah dan sebagainya.
8) Kolagen terhidrolisis tersebut diimpot terus dari kilang Reborn Biotech Co.Ltd. di Hubei R.P China yang mendapat persijilan halal serta bertaraf GMP dan HACCP dan memiliki ISO 22000 / ISO 9002.
9) Ar Raihan International (M) Sdn.Bhd. telah diberi hak eksklusif oleh Reborn Biotech Co.Ltd. sebagai pengimpot tunggal kolagen terhidrolisis di Malaysia.
10) Jepun, Korea Selatan, UAE, Eropah dan USA merupakan negara pengimpot terbesar kolagen terhidrolisis keluaran kilang Reborn Biotech Co.Ltd.
11) Kolagen terhidrolisis juga sesuai diamalkan sebagai makanan kesihatan untuk mengatasi masalah osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, arteriosclerosis.

Fakta Tentang Kolagen Sintesis

1) Ramai pengguna tidak tahu bahawa kolagen sintesis yang terdapat dipasaran diperolehi dari pelbagai sumber.
2) Kolagen sintesis paling popular ialah dari sumber mamalia (khinzir, lembu, keldai dan ayam). Di mana kolagen mamalia sangat digemari oleh pengusaha untuk menghasilkan produk kecantikan yang disediakan dalam bentuk makanan tambahan maupun kosmetik sejak puluhan tahun lalu.
3) Di samping itu, kolagen dari sumber sayuran dan bijirin (kacang soya dan jagung) juga banyak terdapat dipasaran. Ia boleh dibeli dengan harga lebih rendah. Namun penggunaan kolagen kacang soya adalah lebih kepada meningkat energi kepada tubuh dan jagung pula untuk hati.
4) Hasil penyelidikan terkini mendapati kolagen juga boleh diperolehi sumber ikan (air tawar dan air masin). Di mana bahagian sisik, kulit dan tulang ikan diproses menghasilkan kolagen sintesis.
5) Kualiti dan khasiat kolagen adalah berbeza mengikut jenis masing-masing.
6) Kajian saintifik mendapati pengambilan kolagen terhidrolisis melalui kaedah minuman ataupun makanan akan memberi kesan lebih baik kepada tubuh berbanding pengambilan kolagen secara kosmetik. Ini kerana berlaku proses penyerapan yang lebih mudah dan cepat oleh usus kecil memandangkan saiz molekulnya lebih kecil dan ringgan yang membawa kepada sintesis kolagen yang baik di dalam tubuh.

Saturday, 13 August 2011

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Friday, 12 August 2011

> The Effect of Strengthening Bones

The skeleton is a complicated organism consisted of the bone matrix (accounts for 1/3) and the bone mineral substance (accounts for 2/3). The bone matrix’s essential component is collagen, accounts for 90% up. The bone mineral substance’s essential component is hydroxyl calcium phosphate and few of hydroxyl magnesium phosphate. Collagen plays an adhesive and supporting role. In skeleton the proportion of collagen and hydroxyl calcium phosphate is in a state of dynamical equilibrium. If there is no enough ossein, the calcium salt can not be deposited.

Bones containing sufficient collagen are strong and elastic. Lacking collagen there are brittle and weak. Collagen which builds strong bones and related tissues protects from spur formation and helps prevent the drainage of valuable calcium from bony tissues which could lead to osteoporosis or osteoarthritis.

Moreover, as to calcium absorption, collagen is also playing an extremely important role. The calcium inside the body mostly exists outside cells but mainly in the skeleton, tooth and few in the blood plasma which normally called blood calcium. They have composed the body calcium store. The bone calcium and the blood calcium are in the dynamic equilibrium which is controlled by the blood calcium homeostasis (mainly includes suprarenal gland hormone, Vitamin D and calcitonin).

The protein for carrying calcium mainly is by hydroxyproline (a kind of amino acid as collagen’s characteristics). Therefore, the content of hydroxyproline is an important factor for absorbing calcium, but suprarenal adrenal gland hormone with Vitamin D is another important regulating factor.

Therefore, the relationship between collagen and calcium in the body includes two aspects: ① Hydroxyproline being from collagen in the blood plasma is the carrier for transporting calcium to the bone; ② Collagen in the bone tissue (ossein) is the adhesive of hydroxyl calcium phosphate. Hydroxyl calcium phosphate and ossein constituted the main body of skeleton.

Then the best way to replenish calcium is the regular supplement of collagen which is combined with calcium. i.e. calcium supplement is not the first goal, but the essential and most important thing is the supplement and metabolism of collagen. In other words, so long as taking in enough collagen and being in normal metabolism, the healthy body can have normal demand and ability to absorb calcium from food regularly. It is why the food we have everyday contains a plentiful of calcium but the body is still lack of calcium.

> Collagen and Body care

Breast Enlargement

The human’s breast mainly is composed of connective tissues and fatty tissues. The tall and straight plentiful breast depends on the support of connective tissues. 

The collagen is the essential component of connective tissues, which make a network structure with the glycoprotein and results in certain mechanical strength. It is the material base to support the body curve as well as the tall and straight posture.

Weight loss

Weight loss needs to decompose the fat (catabolism). Yet collagen can activate the lipase to increase and extend the process of catabolism. But such a function must be performed under the sleeping condition. When insulin inside body is in high density, the catabolism (fat burning) almost can not occur. But when insulin’s density becomes lower, the metabolism of fatty acid becomes energetic. 

The research indicates that when the body is lack of food and under sleeping condition, the insulin density is lowest. So, taking collagen can be helpful to extend the time that insulin maintains a lower density so as to enable fatty acid to have a longer time to carry on metabolism. Therefore, collagen can help lose weight while sleeping.

> Collagen and Beauty

The collagen multi-peptides can promote collagen synthesis, may promote the skin collagen’s metabolism and improve the ageing skin. Through the animal experiment by rubbing the cream which contains collagen on their skin, it certifies that it also can improve the structures of epidermis and dermis effectively and promote the collagen synthesis in skin.

The collagen makes a close elastic net in the skin to keep the moisture and support the skin like a framework. It supports the breast and keeps the cell cytoblastema plentifully, makes the skin be elastic, moisturizing, soft and smooth.

The functions of beauty

1) Moisture Retention

The horny layer of skin contains the moisture 10% - 20%, if it’s below 10% the skin will be dry. Depletion of moisture will result in rough skin and losing flexibility, elasticity and lubricating ability, thereby wrinkles occur. In the molecule of collagen there are massive hydrophilic groups which have a function to keep moisture. And also the collagen contains rich glycin, lactamine, aspartic acid, serine, they actually can penetrate the epidermis to enter into the dermis to have an effect of natural moisture factor so as to improve the moisture percentage and keep skin moisturized.

2) Repair

Collagen peptide can permeate directly to the skin bottom and has a good affinity with the surrounding tissues. It assists the cells to produce collagenoblast and promote the normal growth of skin cells. Meanwhile, collagen peptide itself also has the functions of anti-inflammatory and regeneration of skin.

3) Whitening

The melanin forms in the skin by a series of chemical reactions of tyrosine under the action of tyrosinase. Collagen may suppress the tyrosinase activity to reduce the melanin. German scholar Domsch et al.’s research indicates that collagen multi-peptide in the range of molecular weight 2000 matches 10% solution, rubs on the skin once in a while and after 48 hours the skin pigmented spot caused by the ultraviolet ray reduces about 25%.

4) Anti-wrinkle

The loss of collagen will result in break of elastic net which supports the skin. The atrophy and collapse of skin tissues lead to the cavity and gap in the skin, then skin will become slack and wrinkled. The biological enzymolytic collagen peptide can reach into dermis directly to replenish the reducing collagen, reform the skin fiber structure, promote cell metabolism, delay the cell ageing, enable the skin smooth and stretch the tiny wrinkle.

The functions of hair-dressing and strengthening nails

The hair health depends on the scalp subcutaneous tissue's nutrition, just as mentioned before, the collagen consisted in dermis is the nutrition supply station for epidermis and its appendages which mainly consist of hair and nails. The lack of collagen will lead to hair’s dryness and furcation, the nail’s break, grey and lackluster.

The hair is as same as skin which is composed of collagen. Under the microscope after cutting a hair we’ll see that the center is marrow, the middle is collagen and the outside layer is scales. Collagen mainly controls hair thickness, elasticity and moisture. Scale is a kind of fragile tissue. It is easy to be worn due to the heats by friction and then results in the inside collagen being decomposed by irritation.

To have beautiful hair needs to replenish collagen, nourish subcutaneous tissues so as to promote the health of hair, keep hair glossy and silken.

Article from:

> Pure Collagen below 1000DAL

Hubei Reborn Biotech Co., Ltd , which is a high-tech enterprise, was built in July, 2005 in Hubei, Jingzhou of China, specializing in studying, exploring, manufacturing and marketing of bioactive peptide, such as fish collagen peptide, soybean peptide ,corn peptide.

Their products feature small molecular weight (<1000DAL), easy absorption, low ash ingredient and low heavy metal content. They are widely used in health protection, beauty culture and biological/medical fields. Now they have achieved the certification of ISO9001, ISO22000, HALAL and most workshops have conformed to GMP standard.

They have a 53,000-square-meter factory. According to HACCP standard, and have established the compositive active peptide workshop, fish collagen peptide workshop, soybean peptide workshop, fine chemicals workshop and bioactive peptide R&D center.

Because of the safety materials which was qualified by America FDA and with advanced equipment imported from Switzerland, Japan , the German apex technology which was recognized in the field of collagen, they can turn out 500 tons of products (annually) are popular with clients in Japan, North America and the European Union.

Since 2011, their production capacity had risen to 2,000 tons per year due to active demand all over the World.

Monday, 8 August 2011

> Hydrolyzed Collagen - Part II

Hydrolyzed Collagen - Bone and Joint Problems Best Treatment

You may ask, what is hydrolyzed collagen? Well, it is a type of collagen that can be consumed by you and me for our joint health, primarily. Over the years, many studies have shown that hydrolyzed collagen is very important. If you have any joint or bone problems, you should look into hydrolyzed collagen supplements.

Hydrolyzed Collagen in Scientific Terms
Here's the part where we discuss about this wonderful supplement in more details. Hydrolyzed collagen is actually produced from within our bones itself. It is produced by type 1 collagen (which can be found in our bones).

What is Collagen?
Collagen is a protein type.

What are Collagen For?
They actually support other tissues in the human body, e.g. skin, bone, tendons, cartilage and muscles. Therefore, can you see how important they are now?

Other Names for Hydrolyzed Collagen
Collagen hydrolysate
Collagen peptide
Gelatine (or gelatin)
Gelatine hydrolysate
Hydrolyzed gelatine

Since Our Body Produces It, Why Buy the Supplements?

That's a good question.
This is because over time, our body might have problems producing the hydrolyzed collagen over time, especially as we get older. Therefore, older people are in greater need of this important protein.

Therefore, these people who are suffering from joint diseases (especially arthritis), will need to consume these supplements.

Benefits of Hydrolyzed Collagen (HC)

Decreases pains in joints naturally
Since it is not a drug or medicine, there is rarely cases of unwanted side effects when consuming this supplement. After all, it replaces the insufficient amount of gelatin (HC) in your bones.

Increases mass and density of bones
Do you know that your bone mass is very important? For example, low bone mass (and density) has caused much problems for women, which is also known as osteoporosis. When the mass of bones become low, you face the risk of having brittle bones, which are not a good thing if you want to keep your bones in one piece.

Therefore, the supplement is also good for treating osteoporosis.

Other good benefits

Not only your bone health quality will improve, but your hair, nails, skin and body weight will too.

Other Sources of Hydrolyzed Collagen
The other sources are non-animal based. So where do they come from? Well, they come from plants.

This is actually processed from seaweed that is found in northern Asia. What is the advantage of the agar-agar? It does not need to be refrigerated to gel. So, it is very easy to melt if needed.

This is another processing from seaweed that is found in Ireland. The carrageen is ideal for making gels and puddings.

Therefore, knowing all of these, hydrolyzed collagen is a very important treatment for people with joint problems or bone loss.

Sunday, 7 August 2011

> What are free radicals?

Free radicals are oxygen atoms that are missing one electron from the pair the atom should have. When an atom is missing an electron from a pair, it becomes unstable and very reactive. That's because a free radical desperately wants to find another electron to fill in the gap, so it grabs an electron from the next atom it gets near.

The trouble is, when a free radical seizes an electron from another atom, the second atom then becomes a free radical, because now it's the one missing an electron. One free radical starts a cascade of new free radicals in our body. The free radicals blunder around, grabbing electrons from our cells-and doing a lot of damage to them at the same time.

Burning of fuel isn't the only thing that can make free radicals in our cells. Some other things include:

The ultraviolet light in sunshine - that's why people who spend too much time in the sun are more likely to get skin cancer and cataracts.

Toxins of all sort, such as: tobacco smoke, the natural chemicals found in our food, the poisonous wastes of our own metabolism, and man-made toxins like air pollution and pesticides.
On average, every cell in our body comes under attack from a free radical once every ten seconds.

Our best protection is to keep our antioxidant levels high.
If you want to understand a bit more about the way free radicals are made you can read the following section.

More on free radicals
To understand free radicals in more detail, we must first understand a bit about cells and molecules.

The body is made up of many different types of cell and cells are made of many different types of molecules. Molecules are made up of one or more atoms of one or more elements joined by chemical bonds and atoms consist of a nucleus, neutrons, protons and electrons.

The number of protons (positively charged particles) in the atom's nucleus determines the number of electrons (negatively charged particles) surrounding the atom.

Electrons are involved in chemical reactions and are the substance that bonds atoms together to form molecules. Electrons surround, or "orbit" an atom in one or more shells. The innermost shell is full when it has two electrons. When the first shell is full, electrons begin to fill the second shell. When the second shell has eight electrons, it is full, and so on.

The most important structural feature of an atom for determining its chemical behavior is the number of electrons in its outer shell. A substance that has a full outer shell tends not to enter into chemical reactions (it is an inert substance). Because atoms seek to reach a state of maximum stability, an atom will try to fill its outer shell by:

gaining or losing electrons to either fill or empty its outer shell, or
sharing its electrons by bonding together with other atoms in order to complete its outer shell.
Atoms often complete their outer shells by sharing electrons with other atoms. By sharing electrons, the atoms are bound together and satisfy the conditions of maximum stability for the molecule.

How are free radicals formed?
Normally, bonds don't split in a way that leaves a molecule with an odd, unpaired electron. But when weak bonds split, free radicals are formed. Free radicals are very unstable and react quickly with other compounds, trying to capture the needed electron to gain stability.

Generally, free radicals attack the nearest stable molecule, taking its electron. When the 'attacked' molecule loses its electron, it becomes a free radical itself, beginning a chain reaction. Once the process is started, it can continue, finally resulting in the disruption of a living cell.

Some free radicals arise normally during metabolism. Sometimes the body's immune system's cells purposefully create them to neutralize viruses and bacteria. However, environmental factors such as pollution, radiation, cigarette smoke and herbicides can also spawn free radicals.

Normally, the body can handle free radicals, but if antioxidants are unavailable, or if the free-radical production becomes excessive, damage can occur. Of particular importance is that free radical damage accumulates with age.

The chain reaction of free radical formation occurs in three stages:
1) Initiation - energy reactions cause the formation of the first free radicals:
2) Propagation - the chain reaction continues and various other free radicals form and become other substances; and
3) Termination - eventually an antioxidant is able to stop the chain reaction.
Free radicals in living cells

Free radicals are present in all living cell and are a part of the cell processes. However excessive free radicals in our cells can attack the cell membranes (the outer coat of the cell). This attack causes cell and tissue damage.

Radicals can also break strands of DNA (the genetic material in the cell). Some of the chemicals known to cause cancer, do so by forming free radicals.

Free-radical theory (Wikipedia)

> What is ORAC Value?

ORAC Value is Antioxidant Power!

What is ORAC Value?
ORAC value is the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity of food.

ORAC provides us with a method of measuring the overall antioxidant power (activity) of different foods and supplements and give it a number.

Why are antioxidants important? Antioxidants decrease and repair the number of free radicals (damaged cells) in our bodies which help to decrease the damage they cause to our skin, bones and organs.

This method of measurement was developed by the scientists at the National Institute on Aging in Baltimore, Maryland.

They developed the ORAC method and the US Department of Agriculture and Brunswick Labs have been instrumental in perfecting the ORAC assay procedure and testing various foods to determine these ORAC levels.

The higher the ORAC number, the stronger the antioxidant properties of the substance. The USDA recommends we consume 3,000 to 5,000 ORAC units daily.

Nutritional Deficit:
In truth, 80% of the population is consuming less than 1,000 ORAC units a day. The USDA recommended 5 servings of fruits and vegetables. This will give you an ORAC score of about 1,750 units.

See ORAC charts below.

How can Antioxidants Benefit Us?
Antioxidants are essential for optimal health, especially with respect to aging and age-related diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer and many others.

Scientific research shows that antioxidants increase our resistance to diseases and boost our immune systems. Hence the recommendation of 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables each day.

Fruits and vegetables have high Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity values. Dark chocolate is included due to raw cacao is considered a fruit. Unprocessed cacao is loaded with antioxidants.

What are Antioxidants and Free Radicals?
Antioxidants are any substance that reduce or prevent oxidative damage/stress, such as vitamins, minerals, carotenoids, and polyphenols that help protect your body's cells against the harmful effects of free radicals in the bloodstream.

Free radicals are molecules (oxidants) produced when your body breaks down food, or by environmental exposures like tobacco smoke, radiation, and stress.

Free radicals tend to move very quickly to try to steal an electron from whatever molecule happens to be around them. Of course, whoever they steal an electron from becomes a new free radical and then the process dominoes over and over throughout your body.

They are not evil or bad, moderation. There will always be some free radicals created; however, if the level of free radicals gets too high in the body, major problems begin to occur.

Numerous diseases and health issues have been linked to high levels of free radicals.

So, how do you turn a free radical into a harmless cell?
Eat more fresh, antioxidant foods.

Free radicals cause oxidation. Antioxidants prevent oxidation. Antioxidants work by donating an electron to a free radical so it once again, becomes a stable oxygen molecule.

> Fakta yang Perlu Anda Ketahui

Fakta yang perlu anda ketahui mengenai 'CollaMix 7000 HubeiLine'

Rumusan Unik:
1) Kolagen Terhidrolisis
2) Anti-oksidan tinggi dari buah Maqui dan Acai berry.
3) Probiotik dan Prebiotik
4) Diperkaya dengan Vitamin C

Setiap bekas mengandungi 650gm untuk diamalkan selama 30 hari.

ORIGINAL - (Pure Hydrolysed Collagen) Kolagen Terhidrolisis Tulen yang diimpot dari Hubei Reborn Biotech Co. Ltd.

HUBEILINE - Jenama produk yang unggul di Malaysia.

KTFI (Komponen Total Formulasi Innovatif) - Rumusan produk 'CollaMix 7000' yang di'paten'kan.

Q (Quality) - Setiap hidangan 20gm 'CollaMix 7000 HubeiLine' mengandungi 99.9% (7,000mg) Kolagen Terhidrolisis Tulen ikan Air Tawar.


Saturday, 6 August 2011

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A sneak preview of our 'Online Mall'.
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Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

> Secrets of 'Maqui Berry'

Why we choose 'Maqui Berry' as our Superfruit in our 'CollaMix 7000 HubeiLine'? 

To better understand how the superfruit Maqui Berry positively affects our health, let’s briefly touch on the topic of “Antioxidants”.

Antioxidants are molecules that neutralize free radicals, the damaging compounds produced by metabolism and exposure to toxins and radiation. Free radicals have one or more missing electrons, making them become unstable. They gain back stability by taking the electrons they are missing from other sources. This turns the electron source into a free radical, and often results in a cascade effect that destroy cellular structures. The process of free radical generation can reduce the ability of cells to produce energy, change their genetic material, and even cause them to burst when there is significant damage to cell membranes. Free radical damage causes most of the changes we associate with aging, and it can lead to inflammation, cardiovascular and nervous system damage, weakening the immune function, and even cancerous changes in cells.

Antioxidants are able to donate electrons to free radicals without themselves becoming particularly unstable and damaging. They come in many forms, a common form being phytonutrients, chemicals produced by plants that are food sources. The amount of antioxidant activity in a food or supplement can be determined by a test known as ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity). This yields an ORAC score for the food or supplement. The higher the ORAC score, the more potent the antioxidant activity. The following graph shows the remarkable antioxidant strength of the Maqui Berry as compared to some other superfruits.

The particular antioxidant compounds that are found in abundance in the Maqui Berry are mainly flavonoid compounds known as anthocyanins and polyphenols. Anthocyanins have some of the strongest physiological effects of any plant chemicals, and have been found to have the strongest antioxidant activity of any flavonoids in one study. They are responsible for the bright and often deep coloration of the plants in which they occur and act as natural sunscreens, giving protection from the sun’s radiation. They also protect the plants containing them from biological threats such as bacteria, fungi, and parasites. When ingested by humans, anthocyanins provide anti-aging effects, promote cardiovascular health, reduce the likelihood of cancerous degeneration in cells, reduce allergic responses, and support healthy sugar-insulin metabolism.

The polyphenols in Maqui Berry reduce unhealthy inflammation, promote cardiovascular health, offer additional protection against cancerous changes, and provide even more anti-aging impact.


> Granule Fish Collagen

Product Details:
Function: Beauty Products
Dosage Form: Granule Agent
Mesh size: 40

Detailed Product Description
1. Small molecular weight (less than 1000DAL)
2. High protein content (above 95%)
3. Pure collagen peptide

The FCP 99999 produced by REBORN is extracted from fish scale and fish skin with enzymolysis technology by simulating human body digest protein. Our products are mainly exported to Japan, Korea, US, EU, Taiwan and South-East Asia etc. market.

1. Safe Enough: Our fish collagen peptide is taken from fish scale and fish skin of fresh Tilapia without any worries about MAD COW DISEASE, FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE and BIRD FLU. Our products are safe enough with high Biosecurity.

2. Good absorbility: The world-advanced hydrolyzing technology is adopted. The average molecular weight is 1000 dalton which can be totally absorbed and made full use of by human body.

3. Rich protein, good taste, easy to eat: with more than 95% protein,  10% hydroxyproline, white powder, absolutely water-soluble, no smell after dissolved in water, little ash and heavy minerals

4.  Good raw material of food, healthcare products, medical products and cosmetics

5.  Japanese advanced producing technology adopted and exported to Japan and Europe etc.

> Hydrolyzed Marine Collagen

The Real Thing Pro-Protein Hydrolyzed Collagen

One of the purest and most concentrated sources of collagen with 95% protein content and amino acids unique to collagen.

The Real Thing Pro Protein Hydrolized Marine Collagen is one of the purest and most concentrated sources of collagen available offering an amazing 95% protein content containing amino acids totally unique to collagen. While collagen is best known for promoting vibrant and youthful skin, as well as healthy hair and nails, it also regenerates joints, cartilage and connective tissue, improves joint mobility, and significantly reduces post-exercise muscle stress after heavy training.

Marine Collagen is a rich and easily assimilated source of protein containing all the amino acids that form the building blocks of collagen. Collagen is the principal structural protein found in the connective tissues of the body (cartilage, tendons and ligaments) as well as the bones, skin, hair, and nails. As we age, our body's production of collagen slows down. Our skin starts to wrinkle and lose its youthful radiance, and we experience a weakening of our skeletal structure due to the breakdown of connective and muscle tissue.

The Real Thing Pro Protein Hydrolyzed Marine Collagen is an ultra pure and concentrated source of marine protein – approximately 95% protein – that significantly boosts collagen levels. It is also hydrolyzed, making it more easily digestible and absorbed by the body so that your body can get the very best our marine collagen has to offer.

And unlike other proteins, our marine collagen contains no fat, cholesterol or refined sugars. It provides a rich source of the amino acids glycine, arginine, proline, hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine, the last two of which can be found in no other protein sources except collagen.

Collagen is the principal structural protein in skin, hair and nails, and helps to strengthen hair and nail follicles. It also contains two unique amino acids called Hydroxyproline and Hydroxylysine which are especially helpful for maintaining youthful, vibrant skin by smoothing fine lines and wrinkles and increasing the elasticity of the skin.

Studies have shown that hydrolyzed collagen is more effective in the treatment of arthritis than physical therapy. They have also shown a decrease in the size of the affected joint cavity, increases in joint mobility, a decrease in pain, and a subsquent decrease in medication following collagen supplementation. High impact training, which is known to cause joint and ligament injuries, can also benefit from collagen supplementation. Collagen is essential for healthy bones, cartilage and other connective tissues. It also regenerates joints and cartilage, and improves joint flexibility.

Extensive trials have found that supplementing arthritis patients with 7g of collagen hydrolysate daily allowed a significant number to reduce their medication dosage. It was also concluded that the collagen hydrolysate treatment was completely free of side-effects.

Marine collagen helps improve physical endurance and vitality. It is high in protein and contains numerous amino acids that are important for peak athletic performance. A number of studies have shown that peptides (a chain of amino acids) can significantly improve recovery and reduce post-exercise stess after strenuous training. Marine collagen is also an excellent source of glycine, which allows the body to produce glycogen. Glycogen is a stored form of glucose which is used as an energy source in the muscles.

Ten subjects were given either a carbohydrate/protein beverage or a carbohydrate/electrolyte beverage while participating in a biathlon. Seven of the subjects who drank the carbohydrate/protein beverage reduced their performance times by an average of 27 seconds. Their creatine kinase levels also decreased by 36% during the 24 hours after exercise. A glycogen-depletion study also found carbohydrate/peptide and carbohydrate/protein mixtures enhanced recovery of athletes by 40–50% compared with the carbohydrate only drink.

Marine collagen offers many other benefits as well, such as:

  • boosting collagen production naturally, which is especially beneficial for Stickler Syndrome sufferers
  • regenerating lean muscle mass and improving circulation due to muscle tissue leaning
  • aiding firming and toning of the body
  • feeding connective tissues
  • helping to carry oxygen through the body
  • naturally detoxifying the body
  • assisting in better sleep
  • treating skin disorders
  • treating or preventing malnutrition
  • helping patients of weight loss surgery who cannot tolerate large amounts of bulk food.

These three amino acids are essential for the synthesis of collagen and significantly increase the stability of collagen. They are important for the maintenance of healthy joints, tendons, cartilage and other connective tissue. Both Hydroxyproline and Hydroxylysine are unique to collagen and found in no other proteins.

Most proteins contain only small amounts of glycine, except collagen, which contains about 35%. Glycine is required for muscle function and energy. It allows the body to produce glycogen which is stored as a form of glucose in the muscles and used for energy. Glycine is a major neurotransmitter and is also needed for a healthy immune system.

This amino acid is beneficial for the heart and circulatory system and stimulates the release of growth hormones, assisting tissue to heal after injury. It helps to widen the blood vessels and improves sexual function.

Take 1 slightly heaped teaspoon (5g) in a glass of water, juice, or smoothie. For advanced usage (and sport) take a heaped tablespoon 2-3 times a day. When taking it for sport, it can be mixed in with your favourite sports drink.

Source: 'Google Search'

> Hydrolyzed collagen

Characteristics and production
Hydrolyzed collagen is produced from collagen found in the bones, skin, and connective tissue of animals such as cattle, pigs, horses, and fish. The process of hydrolysis involves breaking down the molecular bonds between individual collagen strands using heat and either acid or alkali solutions.

The hydrolysis process results in reducing the collagen proteins of about 300,000 Dalton (unit) (Da) into small peptides having an average molecular weight between 2000 and 5000 Da.

Amino acid content
The amino acid content of hydrolyzed collagen is the same as collagen. Hydrolyzed collagen contains 20 amino acids, predominantly glycine, proline and hydroxyproline, which together represent around 50% of the total amino acid content. Glycine and proline concentration is 10 to 20 times higher than in other food sources of protein.


> What are Free Radicals

Apa itu Radikal Bebas. Bagaimana 'CollaMix 7000 HubeiLine' boleh membantu anda.
What are Free Radicals. How 'CollaMix 7000 HubeiLine' can hekp you.​=yHmWEZ_J0dw